
  • The address for Mavericks House is 107 Broadway, Half Moon Bay, CA 94019

    Mavericks House is within within walking distance of the recommended hotels. For guests who plan to drive, there are two parking lots at Mavericks House as well as street parking available nearby.

  • There are two parking lots directly behind Mavericks, as well as street parking available nearby.

  • Smart casual

    I.e., sundress, button down, or something similar

    This may be an indoor/outdoor event, so a sweater could be good too.


  • Guests will only be able to access the venue by shuttle.

    Guests staying in Half Moon Bay can take shuttles from recommended hotels. Guests driving up for the day will be asked to park in a designated lot off-site and take a shuttle from there.

  • Cocktail attire

    I.e., Dress, suit, or coat+tie.

    Keep in mind that the events will take place outdoors or in a tent. We recommend dressing for a hot day but bringing something warm for the evening. Also, shoes you can dance in!

  • Dinner will be served family style. We will inform guests of allergens in each dish so you can avoid them as needed. Some dishes will exclude meat, dairy, and/or gluten.

    If you have particularly serious food allergies please let us know in your RSVP and we will do our best to accommodate.

  • There will be a few shuttles throughout the evening. Timing will be confirmed, but they will likely depart between 9 and 11pm

    There might be an after party...

  • Transportation options will be available throughout the evening. There will also be private vehicles available for emergencies.

  • Yes! Please let us know if you plan to bring any kids when you RSVP.

    We are exploring options for on-site childcare and will be in touch with you to coordinate.


  • TBD - likely around 9am

  • This event will be within walking distance of the recommended hotels. There will also be parking available nearby.

  • Anything you like! We know many people will go straight from this event to the airport.


  • While we want high turnout, we also want everyone to be safe. Please do not come if you are sick and be mindful of the risk you may pose to others.

    We are using the honor system, and we will understand if you need to change your plans due to illness.

  • Fire risk in California in August is almost always "HIGH."

    As a result, we ask that guests refrain from smoking entirely.

    Please do not light anything else on fire either :)